emma claire. and catching up.
on dec 2, 2012 at 1117 am i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. it was the easiest birth imaginable. 515 am- arrived at the hospital, 630 am- started pitocin, 730 am- epidural, 1117 am- hit 10 cm, pushed once and out came emma. emma claire appel. we were only home a few days when i woke up to her face blue. scariest moment of my whole life. i immediately picked her up and her color returned. i didnt sleep the rest of the night. the next morning we took her to the doctor who sent us to the hospital. we spent the weekend there having tests ran. they found nothing wrong with her so they sent us home with an apnea monitor. she has to wear it, at night, until jan 23 when we go to see the pulminologist. shes had no issues so he will most likely say we dont need it anymore. emma turned 6 weeks this past sunday. it has been chaos. we have had every sickness possible from the flu to colds to pink eye, but were surviving. even with all the craziness and a little bit of the baby blues i wouldnt change a thing. i love my family and am so thankful for them.