so b went back to school today and the babe is napping..ahh peace and quiet..this was not the case this morning. i knew it was going to be a rough morning because braden has been sleeping until 1030 the past few weeks. so i got him up 20 minutes earlier to give him some time to readjust. he was not happy to say the least. he cried when i first woke him up. i handed him his clothes. he got dressed. he cried that he was cold. i gave him his robe. he cried that his head was cold. he put his jacket on (over his robe) and pulled up the hood. as we walked down the stairs for breakfast i said "yay, your 1st day back to SCHOOL!!" to try and cheer him up. he was pissed! "mom, can you NOT say that excited!" he ate with a frown. it was hard not to laugh, but i knew that would only make things worse. i made his lunch and happily dropped his grouchy butt off at school!