liv is half of a year already! insane!!
6 month stats:
weight- 16 lbs. 50th percentile
height- 27 in. 90th percentile
head- 17 1/2 in. 90th percentile
my babies heads are always huge! :)
shes eating, and loving, baby food. she rolls over, scoots backward, can almost sit up on her own, says dada when shes blabbing ;), is the sweetest, happiest baby, puts everything in her mouth, especially her feetsies! she lights up when she sees braden or addison. she loves lady (our dog). she goes to bed at 7, gets up at 3 for a bottle then back to bed until 6. we love her so much and our family would not be complete without her. (poor thing had to get shots yesterday :( .. aaand addi is sick so i had 2 sad girlies)