
august in polaroids

Photobucket my little babe turned 1! shes running all around and thinks shes a big kid now! Photobucket Photobucket she ate her cake without really using her hands and got it in her nose. she was not happy about it! Photobucket we took b camping before school started. he was loving his slingshot. Photobucket he only got to ride his quad for a few minutes until it broke down :( Photobucket braden went back to school. Photobucket walking to class with max. Photobucket addison carries around babies all day long and screams baby if we see any. she is going to be all in her baby sisters business! Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket we went swimming at aunt cams. Photobucket braden teaching addison about sidewalk chalk. fwew we had a busy august!