
Summer vaca 2012.

We're off to a crazy start. I barfed when we got to payson, we got a flashy ticket, pulled over, and were inches away from hitting an elk. I also saw my first coyote.


Lately liv feeds us and says, "that nummy?" it's the cutest thing.



We're barely surviving in this heat. I thought I was gonna pass out today from being outside for 1 1/2 hrs. We eat Popsicles all day and swim at night when the temps drop a little. Thankfully we're heading out of town tomorrow (or Sunday at the latest). So ready to relax in the cooler weather.

Circus 2012.

Yesterday we took the kids to the circus. We debated getting a sitter for liv and just taking the older two. I'm so glad we decided to bring her along. At first the girls were scared because of how loud it is but they loved it after a few minutes. It was really cool. I haven't been since I was little so I didn't know what to expect. It's all they've talked about. I love taking them to do things I remember from my childhood.


we heart storms.

i love watching my kids excitement over stormy weather. their squeals of delight. we didnt get any rain tonight but the wind and nic-er weather was enough for them. were so excited monsoon season is headed this way.

Living in the moment.

I want my kids to have a dreamy childhood. Most days, especially lately with the heat and being pregnant, we do a lot of sitting around. We need to live more in the moment and do little things that don't cost a fortune but that the kids will remember. We need to be more spontaneous. So last night we took the kids out to bahama bucks and then on a bike ride. It was just little and didn't cost much but hopefully they'll think back later and remember having fun as a family.


its been awhile.

its almost been a year since ive posted. we went to disneyland 3 times, husband started his own business, celebrated husbands 29th birthday, celebrated olivias 1st birthday, had a great christmas, we moved, got my wisdom teeth out, celebrated my 27th birthday, went out of town for our 5th anni sans kids, celebrated bradens 9th birthday (his last year in the single digits), found out were expecting baby #4 in dec, addison had her 1st dance recital, and lots more. i want to remember all the little things so ill be posting regularly from now on.