
first days.

it was the first day of school today. braden started 4th grade and addi preschool. braden, being 9 and having been in school for years, was no big deal but it was hard for me to leave my little addi girl. shes so shy and i was so nervous for her. she totally loved it though. im so thankful, i dont know how i could do it if she was sad. hopefully she continues to love it and maybe even be a little less shy. me and my livvy love ran some errands and had a lunch date with daddy. it was the perfect first day.


goodbye summer.

its the last weekend before school starts. addi has preschool this year 3 days a week. tues-thurs 12-230. its gonna be so weird having just 1 kiddo at home for those 2 1/2 hours 3 days a week. im sure liv is going to love having free reign of the toys ;).

addison is 3.

i cannot believe my baby is 3. she is so full of sass and personality, i just love her so much. she starts preschool in a couple days and im really excited/nervous for her. i hope she loves it. some random stuff about my addi girl: she loves the movies dolphin tale and big miracle, freakin is one of her fave words, she wont let me paint her toenails anymore, shes the biggest mommas girl unless i tell her no then she runs to daddy, her fave shows are peppa pig and bubble guppies, she says "forday" instead of "today", if shes nervous or embarrassed she shoves her hands in her mouth, shes still obsessed with her "cuvs" and "moo" and she has to take all her favorite things of the day with her everywhere. she is the biggest sweetheart and our family would not be the same without her.


18 weeks.

we found out today that baby is a girl. cant wait to meet this little lady in dec.

potty training.

i started potty training addison on saturday, its now tues and shes doing great. we had a rough start. she was holding her pee all day and not caring when she pooped in her panties. i tried the naked training and its worked well for us. she hasnt had an accident in two days and she went on the potty today without me telling her to. she has a chart that she puts stickers on and gets prizes for every 5 times she goes in the potty. were still doing diapers at night but hopefully soon she'll be ready to wear panties at night. we are so proud!

the fourth.

the parade in eager was so cute. they threw candy and the kids all ran for it. then that afternoon it started raining and they cancelled the fireworks. addi keeps saying we forgot to watch them. liv took a really good nap and me, alex, maddix, and addi did a little antique shopping. (oh funny story i took braden to target last night to spend some of his money and when he was done picking he told me i could look at the antique stuff while we were there. it was really sweet.) we left the next morning. it was hard to leave that amazing weather, but nice to have the girls back in their own beds.


.summer vaca 2012

We're having the most dreamy relaxing vacation. Most of our time is spent outside in the perfect weather.